Sunday, January 3, 2010

In the Beginning...

I might have stolen that line. Should I put it in quotes? Do I need to site it? I guess I'll figure that stuff out as I go.
I've been telling myself for a while now that I need to start a blog. I'm not sure why I have felt this need, but it is there and cannot be denied. I guess my biggest problem is that while I have this urge to create something online, I don't really know what it should be about. However, I have decided not to let that stop me. So, what is my blog going to be about?
Many friends blog about their kids, but I have no kids and my dog mostly sleeps so that isn't very interesting. Don't be surprised to find posts about my dog, though. Many teachers blog about what is going on in their classroom, but I don't feel like I do anything that exciting or ground-breaking in my classroom. Sometimes it would be nice to have another avenue to express what is going on, though, so don't be surprised to find posts about teaching or what is going on in my classroom. I like to spend my free time reading or watching movies and a little TV, so don't be surprised to find posts about the books I'm currently reading or what I'm currently watching. I like all things technology and read or watch several technology blogs and podcasts, so don't be surprised to find posts about technology that catches my eye (especially if I actually get to buy it.) Basically, I just plan to write about what is on my mind, and if there are a few people out there that find it interesting, then awesome! If not, at least I'll be able to go back and see what has been on my mind.

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