Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I was just thinking

I'm having trouble thinking of something specific to write about this evening. There are a few random thoughts from today floating around, but nothing that I can grab onto and make a reasonable post out of. Some of these are things I may want to revisit at some time in the future, so it might be good to have them listed here as a reference. Let's see:

1. Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling completely unprepared for the day ahead of you? I did this morning, and I don't like it one bit. Of course, this feeling is understandable given the situation I detailed in my previous post. Understanding it does not make me like it. I don't want to have this feeling so often.

2. Yesterday, we got an email saying that no one will be hired to replace people who leave. Really? If a faculty member from a core curriculum that is already short-handed leaves at the end of the year, they won't try to fill that gap? Isn't that bad for the kids?

3. CES began today, and all the hype is about the new "Google phone" the Nexus One. It looks cool, but I still just want my dang Droid. Why do I have to wait until April? Surely, my overpriced monthly plan has paid for my stinking Razor by now, and I'm staying in the Motorola family, so shouldn't there be a customer loyalty incentive for something?

4. I still want my projector mounted to my ceiling in my classroom so that I don't have to arrange the desks around the projector stand and I maybe could actually use the SMARTBoard because I wouldn't have to worry about it getting moved all the time. I have all kinds of technology in my classroom that I would like to use and I would love to use even more (I have a degree in instructional technology for crying out loud) why is it so hard to get a little help for the basic stuff. I've been asking for this for years, seriously, years. [Update: I sent an email requesting something be done about this and got a couple responses that make me think it may actually happen. Fingers crossed.]

Okay, I feel like this quickly turning into a rant, so that is probably good. Just a couple more things.

5. Our dog woke up from her evening nap a little bit ago and had some serious "bed face." It looked like she had a handlebar mustache, it was seriously too cute. I wish we would have gotten a picture.

6. My wife is extremely beautiful, intelligent, and supportive. I take her for granted and ignore the little things she does way more I should, and I feel bad about that. She keeps me going when I have days like today when I am stressed from the time I get out of bed, and I can't thank her enough for that.

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