Sunday, January 5, 2014

He's Three

It is hard to believe that my boy is three years old today. It doesn't seem like it could possibly have been three years ago, when he was born. He has grown into such an incredible little boy. He has such an awesome personality! I love talking to him because he is always surprising me with what he says and what he is thinking about. Last night, we went to a "pajama party" at the zoo, and I was proud that he was the only one of the kids that knew what the African Hunting Dogs were.

We have been blessed to have such an amazing little guy come into our lives, and I can't wait to see what the next years have in store for us.

Friday, January 3, 2014

When to write

The other big concern, after what to write every day, is figuring out when to write. Right now, the only time I have to write is after the kids are in bed. This is not much time, and I am usually tired, so it can be difficult to think clearly and write something. For example, tonight I nearly fell asleep while reading books to Reid, so I'm a little foggy and it is a little tough to come up with something interesting to write.

I do have some ideas of things to write about in the future, so hopefully I'll be able to keep it up. For now, I'm going to bed.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

At least I have something to write about

One of my biggest concerns about trying to blog every day is actually having something to say. Will I have something interesting that happens during each day, or will I have something on my mind that I want to write about? Well, today was not a day that I need to worry about that.

This morning, on my way to work, a pickup truck (or maybe it was a large SUV) ran a red light (they made have been sliding on ice and snow) and hit my car. I was not injured, but the front passenger-side wheel was damaged enough the it was no linger drivable. My questions about what happen with the other driver come from the fact that I did not get to talk to them afterwards, because they drove off.

I'm frustrated that I don't have my car and I must drive a rental for a while, but honestly the one I got has leather seats and is pretty nice, so it isn't too big of a deal. I've never really been one to care a lot about what particular car I drive (not since I was a teenager, anyway). What frustrates me the most is the hit-and-run. It is such a cowardly thing to do. I mean, forget placing blame for the accident (the roads were a bit slick, after all), they didn't even stick around to see if I was okay. I just can't imagine what goes through someone's head at a time like that to think, "I better get out of hear." No concern for the other person whose life they just quite literally came into contact with. They were obviously so concerned with whatever the perceived consequences to themself would be, whether they might be legal or financial or even real, that they let that override their possible concern for another person's well-being.

I am thankful that I was not hurt, and I am grateful that I have never been faced with a situation where I have reacted in the manner that the person who hit me did. If I can pull something positive out of the situation, it will serve as a reminder to do my best to always put the needs of others ahead of my own worries.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Wow, 2014 is here!  2013 seemed to go by so fast!  And, looking at this blog, you wouldn't even know that 2013 happened, as I haven't posted since May 2012.  I have a plan to change that, though.  Hopefully, I'll be able to stick to it. Posting to this blog is just one of the things that I would like to accomplish this year.

I wouldn't call them "New Year's Resolutions," because everyone knows how well those usually go, but I do have some goals for the new year.  Now, I have never had much luck with setting and achieving goals for the coming year, but I see that as no reason not to continue trying.  Last year, I followed some advice and set goals that seemed really out of reach, the idea being that even if you don't make it, you will still do better just by trying to achieve such a lofty goal.  I like the idea, but it didn't work out so well for me.  Let me give you a couple examples.  One goal I had was to read 1 book a month for a total of 12 books.  I don't know how many books I read (there were a couple I got part way through and never finished), but even counting unfinished books, I maybe read six.  Another goal was to run another 5k, and throw in a 10k and a half-marathon, as well.  Hahahahaha!  I didn't even complete the 5k, which I had done the year before.

Of course, some people will say that the reason that I didn't achieve these goals is because I didn't share them with anyone.  I wrote them down, but I didn't let anyone else know about them, so I wasn't being held accountable.  I'm not sure how much that works, either, but I've got this blog, so I might as well share things with anyone who happens to decide to read it.  Now, there are still some goals that seem personal, so I'll go ahead and keep those to myself.  Also, I'm not clear on what my goals should be in a couple aspects of my life just yet, and I've never been one to think that the only time you can set goals is at the start of the new year, so I'll probably add some along the way.

Let's get started.  Here are some of my goals for the year:
1. Write on this blog daily.  Again, this seems crazy, but if I actually strive for it, even if I don't write 365 days this year, I should do much better than I otherwise would have.  Heck, with this post I'm already doing better than last year.
2. Read one book a month.  I'm going to try this one again.  I'm accepting fiction or non-fiction.  I'm also accepting the fact that sometimes I get as much as I can handle out of a non-fiction book and then stop, I think that still counts.
3. Lose 50 pounds.  This has been a goal of my for some time now, and was really the reasoning behind those running goals I had last year.  It was also why I posted pictures of myself on this blog in previous years to try to motivate myself to lose weight.  I need to lose the weight, I know I'll feel better and won't get tired playing with the kids as easily.  So, this needs to be the year.  It is only 4.2 pounds a month.  That's like barely over a pound a week.  Surely, I can do that.

Okay, that is enough for now.  I need to get this post published soon, or it won't be New Year's Day anymore.  Plus, I need to get to bed, we have a sick baby so sleep was tough last night and may be again tonight.

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More Change Needed

So, at the beginning of May, I took another progress picture.  I don't think I'm going to bother posting it, though, because there really doesn't seem to be much progress.  On the scale, there hasn't been much progress, either.  I'm still sitting at basically the same weight I was a month ago.  However, it does seem like my clothes are looser and I have to tighten my belt more than before, so I'm not too worried but I think I need a little more change.
This time I think I need to change my eating habits at least a little bit.  I've spent a lot of time on various websites trying to figure out how I can best change my diet in a way that I can stick with and that is doable.  I'm not really looking for a "diet" but a change in habit.  What has made the most sense to me, and what I started to slowly implement this week, is what most people have labeled "Paleo" or "Primal."  The basic premise is that about 90% of human existence was before organized agriculture, grain production, and modern food processing.  So our bodies are really designed for consuming "real" food that hasn't been processed and isn't made from grain.  This makes it seem like Atkins or other "low carb" diets on the surface, because we traditionally get most of our carbohydrates from bread and pasta and that stuff is out when you eat Paleo.  It's not the same, though.  You are still getting carbs from vegetables and fruits, you just don't load up with them through grains.  It is a pretty radical change for me, but it makes sense to me, and I've seen lots of people who have had amazing results after beginning to eat this way.  Not to mention, this is basically the way my dad eats, without ever putting name to it and he has maintained  a health weight since he changed his eating habits.
Now, let me be clear.  I haven't gone "strictly Paleo."  I think that idea is kind of funny, anyway, because I don't hunt or gather anything, so I'm never going to be "eating like Grok." (Grok is a caveman.)  What I decided to do (and I've been successful for three days, so far) is eliminate grains and most sugar (I say most, because sometimes I put Coffee Mate French Vanilla in my coffee) from my diet all day until dinner.  At dinner, I may have some bread or pasta or corn, but I'm trying to eat less than I used to, and I've cut out desserts.  So, I've been making eggs for breakfast and I cooked up a bunch of chicken on Sunday that I have been cutting up and eating on salads for lunch.  I still love milk and usually have a glass in the morning and a glass in the evening (most people don't think dairy fits in the Paleo diet) and I still drink one diet coke or diet dr. pepper for lunch (obviously that doesn't fit Paleo), but I'm making some changes.
Maybe it is just my imagination, but I haven't felt as sluggish in the afternoons this week.  I don't feel the need to drink more than my one 16 oz. cup of coffee in the morning and I've been drinking more water.  No matter what, I feel like I am eating healthier and there are bound to be some benefits in that.  If it jump-starts my weight loss, then great, but I'm going to try to keep it up either way, just to know I am being healthier.  If this partial change really does make a difference, I would like to try to take it all the way into my evening meals, as well; but that is a little harder since I am eating with my family.
I'll check back in a couple weeks from now, and let you know how things are going.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Just wanted to post a quick update on my workout progress. For the last seven weeks I have been following the workouts at Max Capacity Training. These workouts are High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts created to be completed in 16 minutes. The exercises change every day, so if you follow the program you never really do the same workout twice. It has actually been a lot of fun, because it is always something new and I know I just have to push hard for a little bit and then I'm done.

However, if you look at the program you'll see, as you get to weeks 7-9 and 10-12, some of the exercises start to get pretty advanced. I found myself having to modify an exercise each of the first two days this week (week 7), so I've decided to start something different next week. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to do, but I'll save that for another post. (Yes, I'm going to try to actually post regularly, finally.) Knowing that I am not going to be continuing this program anyway provided the perfect opportunity for me to repeat the workout from day one to see how I have improved during the last two months.

The workout for day one, and for me today, consisted of squats, push ups, lunges, and planks done in that order, as many as you can in 50 seconds with 10 seconds rest in between for 4 rounds and a total of 16 minutes. I recorded my scores for the first round of exercises and here are the results.

EXERCISE DAY 1 DAY 21 (7 weeks later)
Squats 20 35
Push ups 20 27
Lunges 15 20
Plank 26 sec. 35 sec.

Not bad. I do have to say that I would have hoped for a little more improvement in the plank, but after pushing hard on squats and lunges, my legs felt like the weak link there, not my core. Also, considering the most noticeable difference in my body over this time is the definition in my arms, I kind of thought I would have more improvement in the push ups, but that was averaging less than 2 seconds per push up, so that seems pretty good.

I'll probably try to do this same routine in another 6 or 7 weeks and see what kind of additional progress I've made.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Modesty, Schmodesty

So, with this post, I'm going to do something I kind of never thought I would do. I'm about to post pictures of myself without a shirt on. You have been warned, and you are welcome to turn back now. Of course, I know that my mother-in-law, wife and maybe a cousin or two are probably all that will ever see this post, so I'm not too self conscious about it, but I'm still a little nervous.
Here's the deal: I started working out almost two months ago. I've tried exercising to get back in shape and lose weight several times over the past several years, but nothing has ever really stuck. I tried joining a gym and running, and I never made it more than maybe four weeks with any consistency. This time, I got sick after week one, and that could have derailed me, but I just took the week off and then kept going. So, I'm almost done with week seven of my current workout program, and I feel like I'm actually seeing and feeling some results and more importantly, I want to keep going. This is amazing to me, because in order to fit these workouts in, I have to get up before 6am three days a week, but I really am enjoying pushing myself and working hard for 15-20 minutes every morning. That's it, that's all the time I spend on the actual workout, and I'm still getting results. I love HIIT!
Tomorrow, I am repeating the workout I did on my very first day, so I can compare what I was able to do now to what I did then. That will be the true test of how much I have improved over the past seven weeks of workouts, but there is other evidence of improvement, too.
  • I am consistently wearing my belt one notch tighter than before I started. (Today, I realized I could actually go another notch, but it made my pants bunch weird. So I may actually need to go down a size in pants soon.)
  • I don't get tired walking down the ten flights of stairs from my office to the parking garage anymore. Yes, I'm ashamed to say it used to be a little tiring even going down.
  • I can confidently push Reid up McCall's hill in his stroller without worrying about getting tired and letting him roll down the hill.
  • I have lost 10+ pounds. I'm not sure I want to admit where I started, but lets just say I'm 20% to my goal.
  • I didn't think to take a "before" picture when I first started, but I took on a couple weeks in on March 1. I took another on April 3. There are no drastic changes, yet, but I can see some definite differences. The biggest difference I notice is the definition in my arms and shoulders. I didn't think to take a picture flexing, but that would probably provide a much more dramatic difference.
Okay, so here is photographic evidence that I referenced a the beginning. Notice the little helper I had in the top two pictures. :)