Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More Change Needed

So, at the beginning of May, I took another progress picture.  I don't think I'm going to bother posting it, though, because there really doesn't seem to be much progress.  On the scale, there hasn't been much progress, either.  I'm still sitting at basically the same weight I was a month ago.  However, it does seem like my clothes are looser and I have to tighten my belt more than before, so I'm not too worried but I think I need a little more change.
This time I think I need to change my eating habits at least a little bit.  I've spent a lot of time on various websites trying to figure out how I can best change my diet in a way that I can stick with and that is doable.  I'm not really looking for a "diet" but a change in habit.  What has made the most sense to me, and what I started to slowly implement this week, is what most people have labeled "Paleo" or "Primal."  The basic premise is that about 90% of human existence was before organized agriculture, grain production, and modern food processing.  So our bodies are really designed for consuming "real" food that hasn't been processed and isn't made from grain.  This makes it seem like Atkins or other "low carb" diets on the surface, because we traditionally get most of our carbohydrates from bread and pasta and that stuff is out when you eat Paleo.  It's not the same, though.  You are still getting carbs from vegetables and fruits, you just don't load up with them through grains.  It is a pretty radical change for me, but it makes sense to me, and I've seen lots of people who have had amazing results after beginning to eat this way.  Not to mention, this is basically the way my dad eats, without ever putting name to it and he has maintained  a health weight since he changed his eating habits.
Now, let me be clear.  I haven't gone "strictly Paleo."  I think that idea is kind of funny, anyway, because I don't hunt or gather anything, so I'm never going to be "eating like Grok." (Grok is a caveman.)  What I decided to do (and I've been successful for three days, so far) is eliminate grains and most sugar (I say most, because sometimes I put Coffee Mate French Vanilla in my coffee) from my diet all day until dinner.  At dinner, I may have some bread or pasta or corn, but I'm trying to eat less than I used to, and I've cut out desserts.  So, I've been making eggs for breakfast and I cooked up a bunch of chicken on Sunday that I have been cutting up and eating on salads for lunch.  I still love milk and usually have a glass in the morning and a glass in the evening (most people don't think dairy fits in the Paleo diet) and I still drink one diet coke or diet dr. pepper for lunch (obviously that doesn't fit Paleo), but I'm making some changes.
Maybe it is just my imagination, but I haven't felt as sluggish in the afternoons this week.  I don't feel the need to drink more than my one 16 oz. cup of coffee in the morning and I've been drinking more water.  No matter what, I feel like I am eating healthier and there are bound to be some benefits in that.  If it jump-starts my weight loss, then great, but I'm going to try to keep it up either way, just to know I am being healthier.  If this partial change really does make a difference, I would like to try to take it all the way into my evening meals, as well; but that is a little harder since I am eating with my family.
I'll check back in a couple weeks from now, and let you know how things are going.